Short film directed by Rowan Wigley in liaison with the STOPPLAYRECORD programme, Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), Arts Council and DAZED. Made for the Random Acts strand. I worked during shooting as the 2nd AD (floor) and in pre-production as an assistant to Rowan as she geared up for filming. The film was broadcast on Channel 4 and featured on DAZED Digital Film Platform. Produced by Martha Mcguirk. The film is also featuring on Booth and has been screening at London events and film festivals.
Synopsis: This dreamlike world is an imagining of personified hair strands and hair products, where the physical flaws of hair in its natural state, are exchanged for the emotional flaws of an ill functioning family that are obsessed with perfection.
Synopsis: This dreamlike world is an imagining of personified hair strands and hair products, where the physical flaws of hair in its natural state, are exchanged for the emotional flaws of an ill functioning family that are obsessed with perfection.