DJANGO UNCHAINED | SANTA SANGREFor all three of you reading this blog: I'm going to start blogging on new films & DVDs that I want to share with any lovely people who'll read - perhaps they're little gems that I hope (even in a minuscule way) I get more exposed, interesting things to do with cinema/art or a DVD re-release of something special... it'll be anything; the blog may take various forms... like a skrull. Down below, the new trailer for DJANGO UNCHAINED followed by news on the double-disc DVD release of SANTA SANGRE and a little on JODOROWSKY today. ![]() DJANGO UNCHAINED A steady rise in "returning" to form after the brilliant INGLORIOUS BASTARDS for Tarantino with DJANGO UNCHAINED? It seems to me his work is looking better and more accomplished than it ever has. Is the once serious future of independent American cinema reaching the height his knowledge and passion can clearly reach? I hope so. This trailer looks like an incredible mix of his usual comic book aesthetics mixed with a gritty multi-tonal western. I really can't wait to check this out. I'm not usually a massive Di Caprio fan but he looks like one sinister interesting villain here. ![]() SANTA SANGRE If you have never seen an Alejandro Jodorowsky film or heard of the Chilean-born filmmaker, you really need to see some of his works - if only so you can simply acknowledge a director who baffles and creates with such incredible scope within his craziness that he outdoes any other filmmaker in that department hands down. I start to wonder how someone could imagine such imagery or articulate such incredible sights of seldom beauty, colour, blood and... well, you have to see these things for yourself. Mr BONGO, a little known but very good niche Music/DVD distributor is re-releasing SANTA SANGRE, an odyssey like no other, as a double disc DVD and single disc Blu-Ray. Some of Mr BONGO's recent acquisitions have been the epic Antonioni documentary on China (originally banned by the country) and Wojciech Has' remastered THE HOURGLASS SANATORIUM, a time-bending journey through a man's memories as his Father lays ill in a sanatorium that has no regard for normal reality. SANTA SANGRE is a less seen (quite rare and pricey) film and a well-deserved release with care and attention towards it. For a reason unknown to me, his films are often very hard to get hold of on region 2, so this is a great event for fans he's accumulated and the new ones that'll discover this gem. Notable works from a short but strong filmography are such as; the brilliantly insane masterpiece HOLY MOUNTAIN that I can't even begin to elaborate on and the violent acid western EL TOPO. The latter of which, according to the DVD notes, had it's distribution rights acquired by John Lennon. This meant the film did a hell of a lot better than it might have, unfairly slipping the net of popular international cinema canon we regard today, caused by a lacklustre theatrical release lost in obscurity - thankfully that didn't occur. JL, what a nice guy. Very recently Jodorowsky has appeared in a formal video (following suit to many filmmakers of today financially stung) pitching new film LA DANZA DE LA REALIDAD with the intention of funding it's production from donations. I would love to see what he comes up with in the modern day; it might be that he totally avoids new technology / SFX but can you imagine a 3D Jodorowsky film? I'm no 3D advocate but that'd be quite something. Anyhow, after seeing the pre-production art for the DUNE film that never was (hunt them down on google!) followed by watching this clip of a documentary all about the professed "greatest science fiction film never made" VIDEO LINK HERE, I'm very excited to see this oft unsung director have at least once more dance in the light. The video is linked below, as well as the SANTA SANGRE pre-order. WATCH JODOROWSKY on LA DANZA DE LA REALIDAD
Thank you for reading. I'm writing this blog as an active artist, filmmaker and the curator of my Vortex Museum.