Tri-Cities International Fantastic Film Festival (USA) & Preview For VIDEOS FOR ARTISTS #426/9/2014 The Tri-Cities International Fantastic Film Festival begins tomorrow, with my science fiction short film MARS-II screening on the 28th of September in two days. This is currently the final screening in America for MARS-II, being a part of two film festivals in Detroit and Pasco earlier in 2014. MARS-II premiered at the 38th Boston Science Fiction Film Festival, screened in South Africa for Celludroid and was an opening film in Toronto for Monsters & Martians Science Fiction Short Film Festival. It has also screened in India and was short-listed for the Golden Blaster at The National Irish Science Fiction Film Awards! Myself and others who worked on the film are delighted that it's been seen by so many audiences around the world and I'll be bringing the film online imminently - getting our work in front of more people. You can read about the MARS-II production, behind the scenes and more in my Champion Up North interview (including a very peculiar story while filming). Anna Jung Seo's her 81 paces exhibition, which I shot for VIDEOS FOR ARTISTS #4 at the A&D Gallery, has now concluded. The video and latest in the web series will be online soon. Check out these new preview images to see Anna's brilliant work up close and some of what will be included: Thanks for reading my blog! I sincerely appreciate your time. You can interact with me on Twitter with my handle @PaulEVernon and don't hesitate to contact me if you want to know more about my films or the Videos For Artists web series, which has documented work in the Barbican Centre and for the London Contemporary Dance School. I'm always looking for new projects, clients and collaborators; maybe that's you? Until next time...
Websites for ANNA JUNG SEO and A&D GALLERY
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Thank you for reading. I'm writing this blog as an active artist, filmmaker and the curator of my Vortex Museum.